Meaty wine and other ickiness

Tuesday, January 12, 2010
As a vegetarian or vegan it can be hard to avoid animal products but to make matters worse there are "hidden" animal bits in a lot of food. Now some veggies feel like this isn't an important issue and you should  just worry about the big sources. Personally I think it is a personal choice and there is nothing wrong with trying to avoid as many meat/animal items as possible and it doesn't detract from bigger global concerns. 

Did you know that wine you love might not be total vege/vegan safe?

“The four principal additives sometimes used in winemaking that may be of concern to vegetarians and vegans are isinglass (fish bladder), egg whites, casein (a milk protein) and gelatin. All four fall under the category of fining agents”.
“Fining agents cause substances like off-flavours and phenolics (that give wine bitterness and/or dry flavours), to settle out to the bottom of the tank. The wine is drawn off the top, leaving the fining agent and undesirables behind. After settling, the wine is often filtered, providing an extra guarantee that no fining agent makes it into the bottle.”
“So the first thing to understand is that no wine has any animal products remaining when it is bottled.”

Read more at Suite101: What Makes a Vegetarian Wine: Some Wines Contain Animal Products

Now some of these you might know and some won't apply to you if you are not trying to go vegan but it's still nice to have the information.

Hidden Animal Ingredients
IngredientWhat It IsIts Use
AlbuminThe protein component of egg whites. Albumin is also found in animal blood, milk, plants, and seeds.To thicken or add texture to processed foods.
AnchoviesSmall, silvery fish of herring family.Worcestershire sauce, Caesar salad dressing, pizza topping, Greek salads.
Animal shorteningButter, suet, lard (see lard below).Packaged cookies and crackers, refried beans, flour tortillas, ready-made pie crusts.
Carmine (carmine, cochineal, or carminic acid)Red coloring made from a ground-up insect.Bottled juices, colored pasta, some candies, frozen pops, "natural" cosmetics.
Calcium stearateMineral typically derived from cows or hogsGarlic salt, vanilla, meat tenderizers, salad-dressing mixes.
Capric acid (decanoic acid)Animal fatsadded to ice cream, candy, baked goods, chewing gum, liquor and often not specified on ingredients lists.
Casein (caseinate)A milk protein. It coagulates with the addition of rennin (see rennin below) and is the foundation of cheese.An additive in dairy products such as cheese, cream cheese, cottage cheese, and sour cream. Also used in adhesives, paints, and plastics.
Clarifying agentDerived from any number of animal sources.Used to filter wine, vinegar, beer, fruit juice, soft drinks.
GelatinProtein from bones, cartilage, tendons, and skin of animals, Much of the commercial gelatin is a by-product of pig skin.Marshmallows, yogurt, frosted cereals, gelatin-containing desserts, molded salads..
Glucose (dextrose)Fruits or animal tissues and fluids.Baked goods, soft drinks, candies, frosting.
Glycerides (mono-, di-, and triglyceridesGlycerol from animal fats or plants.Processed foods, cosmetics, perfumes, lotions, inks, glues, automobile antifreeze. Used as emulsifier.
IsinglassGelatin from air bladder of sturgeon and other freshwater fish.Clarify alcoholic beverages and in some jellied desserts. Rarely used now.
Lactic acidAcid formed by bacteria acting on the milk sugar lactose. Imparts a tart flavor.Cheese, yogurt, pickles, olives, sauerkraut, candy, frozen desserts, chewing gum, fruit preserves, dyeing and textile printing.
Lactose (saccharum lactin, D-lactoseMilk sugar.Culture medium for souring milk and in processed foods such as baby formulas, candies and other  sweets, medicinal diuretics, and laxatives.
Lactylic stearateSalt of stearic acid (see stearic acid below).Dough conditioner.
LanolinWaxy fat from sheep's wool.Chewing gum, ointments, cosmetics, waterproof coatings.
LardRendered and clarified pork fat. Often fat from abdomens of pigs or the fat around the animal's kidneys.Baked goods.
LecithinPhospholipids form animal tissues, plants, lentils, and egg yolks used to preserve, emulsify, and moisturize food.Cereal, candy, chocolate, baked goods, margarine, vegetable oil sprays, cosmetics, and ink.
LuteinDeep yellow coloring from marigolds or egg yolks.Commercial food coloring.
Myristic acid (tetradecanoic acid)Animal fats.Chocolate, ice cream, candy, jelled desserts, baked goods.
Natural flavoringsUnspecified, could be from meat or other animal productsProcessed and packaged foods.
Oleic acid (oleinic acid)Animal tallow (see tallow below)Synthetic butter, cheese, vegetable fats and oils, spice flavoring for baked goods, candy, ice cream, beverages, condiments, soaps, cosmetics.
Palmatic acidAnimal or vegetable fats.Baked goods, butter and cheese flavoring.
Pancreatin (pancreatic extract)Cows or hogsDigestive aids.
PepsinEnzyme from pigs' stomachsWith rennet to make cheese.
PropolisResinous cement collected by beesFood supplement and ingredient in "natural" toothpaste.
Rennin (Rennet)A coagulating enzyme obtained from a young animal's stomach, usually a calf's stomachRennin is used to curdle milk in foods such as cheese and junket--a soft pudding like dessert.
Royal jellySubstance produced by glands of bees."Natural foods" and nutrient supplements.
Sodium stearoyl lactylateMay be derived from cows, hogs, animal milk, or vegetable-mineral sources.Used in cake, pudding, or pancake mixes, baked goods, margarine.
Stearic acid (octadecenoic acid)Tallow, other animal fats and oilsVanilla flavoring, chewing gum, baked goods, beverages, candy, soaps, ointments, candles, cosmetics, suppositories and pill coatings.
SuetHard white fat around kidneys and loins of animalsMargarine, mincemeat, pastries, bird feed, tallow.
TallowSolid fat of sheep and cattle separated from the membranous tissuesWaxed paper, margarine, soaps, crayons, candles, rubber, cosmetics.
Vitamin A (A1, retinol)Vitamin obtained from vegetables, egg yolks, or fish liver oil.Vitamin supplements, fortification of foods, "natural" cosmetics.
Vitamin B12Vitamin produced by microorganisms and found in all animal products; synthetic form (cyanocobalamin or cobalamin on labels) is veganSupplements or fortified foods.
Vitamin D (D1, D2, D3)D1 is produced by humans upon exposure to sunlight; D2 (ergocalciferol) is made from plants or yeast, D3 (cholecalciferol comes from fish liver oils or lanolinSupplements or fortified foods.
WheyWatery liquid that separates from the solids (curds) of milks in cheese-making.Crackers, breads, cakes, processed foods in cheese-making.

