Taco Salad part deux

Sunday, February 21, 2010
Empress shared a gorgeous Taco Salad recipe here  http://vegetarianstarterkit.blogspot.com/2010/01/meatless-mondays-bonus.html

Of course salads are so amazingly versatile so I figured I'd throw another option up here. :)

This is just another of my "use what you love" recipes. 


I started with dark red kidney beans, garbanzo beans and fresh corn. Just boil the corn then cut the kernels off the cob. I threw all of that into a pan and warmed it with a taco seasoning packet and just a little water.

This is a good meat free base for tacos, nachos.. anything really. Then i just built my salad the way I like it. I always use fresh baby spinach instead of lettuce because it packs a larger nutritional punch.
