Sushi for Noobs

Sunday, January 30, 2011
I'm the only person in the world that has never had sushi... See even before going veg I hated fish. I mean LOATHED. Fish is fishy and just gross. So the thought of walking into a restaurant and being surrounded by raw fish and other oddities never appealed to me.

Of course I did realize that there are non fishy versions but just never bothered to make the effort. So last night we tried out hand at sushi. It was fine.. really rice and veggies how bad can it be. As rarely as I eat any sort of asian-ish dish I do love the accoutrements ... chopsticks, cute little bowls, etc. LOVE!

There really isn't a recipe here because you really don't need one, nori/rice/veggies..roll!
And man, they are not kidding about the sticky rice. It's sticky! Have a dish of cold water for your hands to help with the sticking.
